Moody Sisters Skincare

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What's so Trendy About Bamboo that makes everyone love it?

What's so trendy about bamboo that makes everyone love it?

It's not surprising consumers are approaching their cosmetics and skincare with an eco-friendly and sustainable mindset. Originally reaching for anything, now makeup and skincare enthusiasts are opting for vegan, cruelty-free, and organic products. Just goes to show that these mindful choices aren't simply short-expiring trends, but outline a new lifestyle that consciously aims to benefit the environment AND us.

Bamboo is said to bring good luck and great fortune to the home—so how does that translate into bamboo skincare? Cosmetic companies and brands are putting bamboo's promises of prosperity into a bottle and let me tell you—we're here for it.

Below are just a few informative reasons for why you should jump aboard the bamboo brigade because it's here to last:

Free radicals? Don't know em'

In a study conducted by the International Journal of Biomedical Science, published as "Free Radicals, Antioxidants in Disease and Health," it describes how "when an overload of free radicals cannot gradually be destroyed, their accumulation in the body generates a phenomenon called oxidative stress." Not good.

Yikes! So where do free radicals come from?

According to Healthline, these excess free radicals are usually introduced by outside influences including cigarette smoke and air pollution. But could also be the result of alcohol intake, infections, excessive sunbathing, high blood sugar levels, and more.

Wait, OMG they're everywhere!

Essentially any vice you currently have or (looked forward to indulging in) is riddled with free radicals that could really throw off your body's inner balance. Ultimately pushing the body to rapidly decline in overall health, damaging DNA, and speeding along the aging process through oxidative stress. Yikes!

So, how do we push the pause button these pitfalls and protect ourselves from these rampant free radicals either imposed by us or the people we walk past on the street? The study published by IJBS continues to claim that antioxidants are key and serve an important role in fighting the damage caused by oxidative stress and guess what we've discovered? Bamboo beauty products are full of them.

Finally some good news, but how do we know bamboo is the answer?

Antioxidants are your friend

Bamboo contains antioxidants—it's important to note that antioxidants can also be found in other foods, supplements, and naturally within your own body; however, the results of a 2016 study show that "bamboo shaving extract and its solvent fractions could act as natural antioxidants in light of their potent antioxidant activities.”

Sorry, I heard nothing after learning my own body produces antioxidants all by itself.

Wow, I have a superpower?

Exactly. Your body naturally produces its own antioxidants to fight against free radicals, but it doesn't hurt to add an extra layer of defense to your skin with bamboo skincare. Especially in areas where air quality is poor or radiation is prevalent, you're already at a predisposition for faster-aging skin, placing further importance on protecting against the excess pollution and free radicals all around us.

Exfoliate without redness or irritation

If you're someone who hates exfoliating because you have sensitive skin and fear bamboo might be too abrasive, don't worry! Bamboo is the ultimate healer in your skincare routine. A 2017 study confirmed that bamboo significantly reduces red and irritated skin—putting an end to the theory that bamboo stem is too rough for facial use.

Often standard skin exfoliators leave your skin feeling stripped, red, and raw feeling; however, with bamboo skincare products your skin will be properly exfoliated without any extra redness or irritation. Making it the perfect complement to your skincare routine for normal to mature skin.

After exfoliating, moisturize and hydrate your skin with jojoba, white willow bark, vitamin B5, and other beneficial nutrients.

Yes, but you don't know my skin

Are you still shaking your head? Sure, bamboo stem works for some people but definitely not my skin type. If you're looking for an even gentler approach for especially hypersensitive skin, there is the antioxidant-rich soothing sensitive Microderm face scrub that's targeted to redness and irritation-prone skin types.

This specific treatment includes jojoba, bamboo fibers, and antioxidants to guarantee a soft and luxurious finish. Another plus? This exfoliator is comfortable enough to use daily.

It's bamboo's world and we're just living in it

In a Women's Health article, bamboo is described for what it is "a giant grass and one of the fastest-growing plants on the planet." What makes this plant the optimum renewable resource is that bamboo is the hydra of plants—for each bamboo shoot cut off new shoots grow without having to be replanted (almost like a glorified weed).

Bamboo only takes three to five years for it to be fully grown and ready for harvest and even produces 35 percent more oxygen than the standard tree. Additionally, "bamboo can also improve soil quality, shore up erosion, and sequester carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.”

Amazing! No, we're not stealing panda food to make you an exfoliation treatment—there's plenty to go around for everybody.

Bamboo is my new beau

Although pandas might be looking at us side-ways for smearing "food" on our faces for the sake of bamboo beauty—don't think they wouldn't do the same if they knew the skincare benefits.

Bamboo might be a newish trend, but we have a feeling this one is here to stay given its eco-friendly and sustainable components. Not to mention its fabulous effects on your skin health.

If you're hesitant in exploring the bamboo skincare world feel free to do some more research yourself and you'll come to realize just how beneficial this resource is either placed on your bathroom counter or out in the wild.

A final tip for long-lasting self-love

Remember, for some people beauty is only skin-deep, but when you pursue bamboo skincare products that are environmentally-conscious and considerate to all walks of life then you've cracked the code for universal ever-lasting beauty in this material-driven world.

Shop Bamboo Scrubs Today

See this content in the original post


Pham-Huy, Lien Ai et al. “Free radicals, antioxidants in disease and health.” International journal of biomedical science : IJBS vol. 4,2 (2008): 89-96. June 2008. Accessed Aug 4, 2020.

Arnarson, Atli PhD. “Antioxidants Explained in Simple Terms.” July 29, 2019. Accessed August 4, 2020.

Gong, Jinyan et al. “Antioxidant Capacities of Fractions of Bamboo Shaving Extract and Their Antioxidant Components.” Molecules (Basel, Switzerland) vol. 21,8 996. 30 Jul. 2016, doi:10.3390/molecules21080996. Accessed August 4, 2020.

Yang, Ji Hye et al. “Potent Anti-Inflammatory and Antiadipogenic Properties of Bamboo (Sasa coreana Nakai) Leaves Extract and Its Major Constituent Flavonoids.” Journal of agricultural and food chemistry vol. 65,31 (2017): 6665-6673. doi:10.1021/acs.jafc.7b02203. July 27, 2017. Accessed Aug 4, 2020.

Loux, Renee. “Bamboo Beauty.” Women’s Health. Dec 1, 2011. Accessed August 3, 2020.

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