Best Products to Get Rid of Vaginal Odor

best products to get rid of vaginal odor

3 Daily Feminine Products to Get Rid of Vaginal Odor

Is there anything worse than realizing your muff is the source of a rancid smell? There may be a reasonable explanation such as your period, pregnancy, or something else. However, should the odor persist, it may be worth consulting with a healthcare professional to find an explanation.

A bit of vaginal odor is to be expected and chances are, you’re well acquainted with your unique smell. It’s when you detect a change that there may be cause for concern, especially when the scent is noticeably foul. 

It’s projected that nearly 70% of women are self-conscious about the fragrance of their flower. If you consider yourself part of this population you’ll want to keep reading, as the lovely ladies of Moody Sisters may have the answers you’re looking for!

Why do I have a strong odor down there? 

There are various triggers of vaginal odor, some more serious than others. Most experts will look to the following common common causes before taking a more aggressive approach. 

why you have vaginal odor

7 causes of vaginal odor

Bacterial vaginosis (BV)

To have a healthy hoo-ha you need a healthy amount of bacteria to balance your pH levels. But too much bacteria can result in the most common condition affecting women aged 15 to 44, according to the CDC, bacterial vaginosis or BV. 

BV results in a noticeably fishy smell and seems to speed up the excretion of discharge. Most cases of bacterial vaginosis occur in women who are sexually active, especially those with new or multiple partners. Unfortunately, BV requires an antibiotic to remedy. 


Summer can be scorching hot depending on where you live, and sweating is unavoidable. Boob and vag sweat are completely normal, but left unchecked can cause an unpleasant odor. 

Bad hygiene

Catching whiffs of a foul odor coming from down there? How are your hygiene habits? There are some simple changes you can make to ensure maximum cleanliness all day long. Keep a healthy diet, always wipe front to back, and wear breathable underwear. 

Poor diet

The old adage “you are what you eat” holds more truth than you may think. A diet of fast food, sugary treats, and processed snacks will result in a stinky snatch. Try to eat a healthy, well-balanced diet during the week and allow yourself to splurge on the weekend.

best products to get rid of vaginal odor


Trichomoniasis is classified as a sexually transmitted infection (STI) that is accomponied by an odor that reeks. You may also experience symptoms like itching, burning, and thin discharge with a strong stench. 

Unfortunately trichomoniasis can affect both men and women, and does require a prescription antibiotic to heal. On the bright side, one round of antibiotics is generally enough to kick this infection to the curb. 

An old or forgotten tampon

In case they didn’t teach you in sex-ed, you should never leave a tampon plugging your honey pot for more than six hours. If there’s a nauseating odor wafting from down there, it might be worth feeling around for a forgotten tampon.

Your menstrual cycle

Each different phase of your menstrual cycle carries a different scent. Many women report detecting a putrid smell during their period. Which, if you think about it, makes plenty of sense considering your body is expelling blood and tissue. 

best products to get rid of vaginal odor

Is vaginal odor normal?

Well, that depends. As your body experiences the changes that Mother Nature intended, mild vaginal odor is to be expected. Most women experience three life cycles of fertility—menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause—with each cycle embodying its own essence. 

Vaginal odor during menstruation

Menstruation is no walk in the park for women. And the malodor that may accompany your period is just the cherry on top. When you consider your body is ejecting blood, unfertilized eggs, and uterine tissue, a slight smell is perfectly normal.

Vaginal odor during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a primal experience when your body’s hormones are super unpredictable. And that’s just one of the changes your body will endure. These constant fluctuations may cause a pungent punani. Don’t despair, you’re growing another human life after all. 

Vaginal odor after menopause

You’ve made it to menopause and are ready to trash those tampons for good. Freeing as this may feel, menopause comes with its own set of challenges. As you age and estrogen levels drop, vaginal pH levels are thrown out of whack. This may lead to an increase in infections, as well as a more obvious odor. 

normal vaginal odor

Best Products to Get Rid of Vaginal Odor

Thanks to the masterful women behind Moody Sisters, you can stop funky smells before they start. Used in tandem, the following products will keep you feeling fresh well into the afternoon and evening. 

Gentle Feminine Body Wash for Daily Washing

Keep your intimate areas clean and pristine with Moody Sisters’ Gentle Feminine Body Wash. Our pH balanced formula is fortified with essential vitamins, and will keep your nether region feeling fresh. 

Use a pH balanced feminine body wash to help keep intimate areas and menstrual cups clean and reduce vaginal odor.

Gentle Feminine Body Wash
from $12.00

★★★★★ Reviews

Safe for all skin types and ages, head to toe.

Foaming | ph Balanced | Gentle Clean

Gentle intimate pH balanced body wash for sensitive areas. Safe for sensitive skin and intimate areas to cleanse, reduce odor and balance pH.

Vaginal Cleanser Feminine Spray for On-the-Go

Moody Sisters Vaginal Cleansing Feminine Spray is perfect for freshening up on-the-go. Use to deodorize down there, as a cleanser for your menstrual cup, or even as a baby wipe solution. That’s right—this feminine spray is gentle enough for your private parts no matter your age. 

Use Vaginal Feminine Cleanser to instantly cleanse and remove odor from the most intimate areas. Keep the cleanser on the back of your toilet or in your gym bag for a quick cleanse.

Vaginal Cleanser Feminine Spray
from $12.00

★★★★★ Reviews

Safe for all ages and intimate areas.

On the Go | pH Balanced | Gentle Wash

This multi purpose feminine vaginal cleansing spray is made for sensitive skin for on-the-go clean up and odor control. Scented with a natural essential oil blend of Lavender & Tea Tree.

Deodorizing Dusting Body Powder for All Over Protection

Conquer boob sweat, prevent chafing, and keep your feet from stinking up your home with our Deodorizing Dusting Body Powder. This body powder is available in a selection of scents including eucalyptus & mint, tangerine & sandalwood, and lavender rose.  

Use Dusting Powder all over your body to quickly reduce body odor and moisture. Safe for underwear, bras, armpits, boob creases and shoes!

Sensitive Deodorant Body Powder

★★★★★ Reviews

Best for sensitive areas.

Odor & Moisture Control | Whole Body Deodorant | Prevents Chafing

Body deodorant and dusting powder for odor & moisture control for boob sweat, stinky pits and thigh chafing.

March Coupon - Buy a Body Powder and get 50% off a Charcoal Pit Scrub!
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3.2 oz net wt. Jar comes with a flip-top lid and a free powder puff applicator.